Monday, February 14, 2005

Shoe Happiness

My quest for Doc's has finally ended! Since last winter when my then eight-year-old John Fluevog Angel shoes bit the dust, I've been searching for a replacement pair of plain black Doc Marten 5-holes. Nothing fancy, just a non-athletic shoe I can wear with jeans and pants alike. No shoe store round these parts carried the plain 5-hole; they were either all tricked out with trendiness or the shape of the shoe had been altered slightly from the classic look. I didn't feel like shelling out $100 from the Doc Marten website either. I can be cheap when I want to be.

Enter my savior, Zappos. I'm telling everyone that they need to purchase their next pair of shoes from these people. Not only did they have flat black 5-holes (albeit with the lug sole but beggars can't be choosers) in my size, but they were on SALE. For $42.70. No shipping charges. AND they upgraded my shipping (for FREE) to two-day delivery. I ordered my shoes on Tuesday; got them in my hot little hands Thursday evening. Total shoe happiness. Shoe bliss. Shoe nirvana.

I don't care if you don't need a new pair of shoes (Yeah, right.); buy something from this website.

Bloody obvious world news: North Korea announced they have been lying, and that indeed, they have a nuclear weapons program. And who was surprised by this? The fact that their esteemed leader he favors a gas station attendant's jumpsuit for his daily wear wasn't a big enough clue that maybe he's not on the up and up? That he was a little out in the left field? What about how he's pilfered his spectacles from Estelle Getty's Golden Girls wardrobe? What is it with dictators and their eccentric costumes? Are they overly image conscious? You'd think that oppressing a nation of millions was enough to worry about.

Happy Hearts and Flowers and Candy Day! Try not to buy too much into the fabricated nonsense that is Valentine's Day. Share your love with your beloved every day, not just on the Hallmark-sanctioned day.

Now that V-Day is here, I'm just glad I will no longer be subjected to a barage of commercials for jewelry stores telling me my husband doesn't love me unless he buys me some piece of shit ring or hideous pendant. These poor women who cling some concept that diamonds equal love. Sad, sad.

In my marriage, Ice Bat and playlist equals love. Talk about soulmate. There ain't nobody like him and he's mine.

1 comment:

ahamos said...

You make me giggle, silly!

For insight into the whole dictator costume thing, you need to read the aspiring dictator's guide. It goes very carefully over the importance of picking out a ridiculous costume. It's a feature of a dictator, and helps him stand out from others.

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