Tuesday, March 01, 2005

BlogSpot is pissing me off

I wrote a long rant on this year's Oscars, and before I was able to save it in draft form, BlogSpot crashed. Everything I wrote went bye-bye. Grrr. Oscars Rant will have to wait until tomorrow. I can't take up any more of my daily labor in Corporate Hell or the Head Demons will come after me.

Dog Bite Update: The big wound has finally scabbed over. My bruises have significantly faded into what now looks like a smear of dirt across my calf. I can't wait to see what kind of scar this makes.

Yesterday, the Bobbleheaded Werewolf began the nail clipping at approximately 10:44 a.m. Monday has become Nail Clipping Day. It's no longer if he will start clipping his nails, but when he'll start. Today, he cooked some frozen food today at lunch that smelled like dog food. Seriously, I can't stand this man to the point where when he tries to talk to me, I am not able to look him in the eye.

Operation Skinny Bitch is back on track. I'm down three of the extra four pounds that so mercilessly hitched a ride on my body a few weeks ago. A chunk of Jojo's extra birthday cake in the frig and a weekend in the 'burg are looming over me, attempting to derail my progress. Dammit, I won't have it.

Oh, I am stuck on one of those time-sucking useless conference calls where I sit and listen to people argue and discuss processes that don't relate to me at all. My boss is on the call, so I can't drop out. Crack that whip Corporate Demons!

Topping off what has become a stellar day: My sinuses are whacking out. Pressures building in my face. I've got drainage. Head feels like it's floating on a string. Curse this season transitional weather.

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