Monday, February 04, 2008

My Hip Toddler

Back in the day when Little A was just Lumpy floating around in the vast cavernous space of my uterus, I would sit at work and cruise all the trendy baby clothing sites and dream of my hipster baby in all those witty little onesies.

When finally the wee one sprung forth from my loins and had been living among us for some time, I realized that the snazzy onesies weren't all that important in a world where the baby changes clothes some three or four times a day. Once a baby's outfit is poop or urp stained, one care more about the ease of removal and washability. Not to say that Little A didn't have some rockin' ensembles in his first year of life. He had his Star Wars "Who's Your Daddy" onesie, the "My Dad is a Geek" onesies, and the awesome faux flight suit. But mostly he wore the usual baby clothes adorned with cars or animals.

Now that he's older, I am slowly coming back to my original vision of a Little A Fashionplate. He already rocks his Osh-Kosh's pretty fierce. For his birthday, he got some new swank t-shirts. (I must make sure one day to explain to him how wonderful it is to have gay uncles; they give the best clothes.)

I am glad I stumbled upon a new purveyor of cool baby clothes. I love the variety at PollyTod, plus the availability of t-shirts in so many colors.

My only problem will be choosing amongst their designs (Unfortunately, I am not MoneyBags, but if I did there would be no choosing only BIG shopping.):

This was one of my first choices, but since I only have three relatively small tats it might be false advertising. Now if I can only get my ass in gear for future ink, this shirt will be aplicable. Anybody know any good tattoo designers? Next design:
Perfect for Little A's obsession with construction vehicles and with a fierce edge that definitely says "Not From Gymboree". Next:

True, but also consider:Again, too true:
But on some level I don't want to have to explain blogging to my mom.

'Nuff said.

Finally, here is the shirt for Little A in honor of the killer trike he got for his birthday. Perfect to wear on those warm days when he's cruising in the driveway.
If you've got munchkins of your own or have a little budding hipster in your life, check out the stuff at Polly Tod. You won't surf away empty -handed.


Alex the Odd said...

In the event that I ever reproduce I am so buying that first design for my spawn.

Also the adorable/awesome (adorawesome? Awesomable?) set of skull and crossbone footsie pjs that they were selling at the London Tattoo Convention last year.

Little A is going to be the coolest kid on the block, make no mistake!

Girl With Curious Hair said...

I love the blogging and trike tees. And I must say a kid that cute will look good in anything.

Anonymous said...

I vote for geeks getting it on. I also want to know why Chris & Terry get to be gay uncles and I don't get to be referred to as an aunt. I ain't got no blood nieces or nephews (and won't for a long time).
Let me know which shirt you go with.

Anonymous said...

Sorry! I totally missed this blog but I'll comment late anyway.

D.I.N.K = GAY UNCLEs spelled sideways. I think it fits.

Nerds Knocking Boots make me giggle.

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